Water Statistics Infographic in Excel

The above infographic is a look at how we use water and what is expected to happen if there is a 2 degrees increase in global temperatures .  Governments are good for changing long term policy for change in our world but if you want to enact real change you have to make it yourself.  If everyone collectively agrees to change - change happens in our world.  Our world will continue to grow in population.  If 7 billion people agreed to enact change as a collective - climate change, world poverty etc, would end very quickly in my opinion.

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Road Traffic Statistics in Excel

While going through some road traffic information on the Department of Transport's website it occurred to me that the data was perfect to create a dashboard.  It was information rich and there were very little gaps in the data.  I decided to use quite a few pictures in conjunction with the charts to try and spice them up.  I have used actual data but had to ‘normalise’ some of the data as there were a few gaps.

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